Mustapha Miah



Passionate about learning and developing my skills.
Currently learning React and React Hooks!



A highly versatile individual and fast learner. Ambitious, driven and motivated with a wealth of enthusiasm. A people’s person that always brightens up the atmosphere. Passionate about technology and business. On numerous occasions has been able to work under pressure & successfully deliver results, exceeding expectations. A team player obsessed with learning more.


HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, React, Node.JS, Express, GIT & Gulp


• Food Vlogger • Manchester United Supporter • Footballer • FIFA lord • MMA • Loves business, technology & entrepreneurship • Currently Learning Arabic & Muay Thai


I'm always working on picking up new technologies and completing new projects! So keep an eye on this space for some new exciting work!


React Meme Generator

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Recently learned React JS and I love it!
Created a meme generator using the Imgflip API.
Tech: React and CSS


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My latest creation! I have always been a fan of Pokémon, so I made a full Pokédex using the Pokémon API. Check this out for some serious nostalgia!
Tech: HTML5, Vanilla JavaScript and SCSS



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I used the Digimon API, used this project as an oppurtunity to revise making a Fetch request.
Tech: HTML5, Vanilla JavaScript and SCSS

Kobe Bryant Tribute Page

Single Page App

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I wanted to revise some of the basics, so created a singple page app as a tribute to Kobe Bryant. I used the unsplashed API, implemented LadyLoading and Flexbox.
Tech: HTML5, Vanilla JavaScript and SCSS



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We were briefly taught ruby and ruby on rails. This app required us to have a Rails back end, but an Angular front end. I made an App for users to find a player or replacement for their football matches. This app allows multiple users to interact with one another. One User can post a game with how many vacant spots they have, and other users can simply click on a post and be registered for that game.
Tech: NoSQL, Ruby, Express, AngularJS, Node.js and Bower



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This was a team project where we used Angular. We made a dream journal, allowing users to monitor and record their dreams as soon as they get up. We also accessed ‘Fit Bit’s’ Api and could measure the user’s sleep, so they could also record their amount of sleep alongside their dreams. I made the cool sound board, which helps the user to go to sleep and was responsible for the design of the app.
Tech: MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js, OAuth 2.0, Satellizer, and Bower



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Project 2 - ‘Safe-Park’: We were taught Node.js, authentications, jQuery and google maps. The basis of the app is to find the safest parking spots for the user. The App firstly finds the location of the user then goes on to find the closest parking spots within a certain radius and the user can also view locations of previous vehicle crimes.
Tech: MongoDB, Express and Node.js

Game Boy Casino


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Project 1 - ‘GameBoy Casino’: The task was to make a game using only Vanilla JavaScript. I made a game which replicates the famous Roulette. However I cut down the game to only allowing the user to gamble on black vs red & odd vs even. I also quite proudly build it on a game boy sort of background.
Tech: HTML5, CSS & jQuery